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The Fiction of Politics
and Politics of Fiction
Colloquium of American Studies, Olomouc, September 1-6, 2002
Moscow University
Teaching/ research experience: teaching at Moscow University since 1978 (full professor since 1994), Dept. of World Literature, undergraduate and graduate levels; supervising research in American Literature for M.Phil & Ph.D. Academic qualifications: M.A. - Moscow University, 1974; Ph.D. («candidate» of Philology) - Moscow University, 1978; «Doctor» of Philology - Moscow University, 1990. Major areas of research work: American and comparative literature and culture. Knowledge of languages: English, French, German. Books and Monographs (in Russian): Poetry of Walt Whitman (Moscow University Press, 1982); XX Century Poetry in America: Discovering the Modernity (Moscow University Press, 1989); Self Made Man as Image and Profile. The Experience of American Culture. (Mass Communications Institute, Moscow, 1993); Finding the Voice. Poetic Tradition in America (Moscow University Press, 1994). Work in progress: ”Conversation in American”: Discourse of Bargaining in the American Literary Tradition. About 80 articles in academic and literary journals, collections and encyclopedias. Translations of fiction, literary criticism and literary theory. Member of the Board of the Russian American Studies Association. Director of the Center for Communication in Humanities in the Department of Philology of Moscow University, Director of Graduate Program in Literature in the Department of Philology of Moscow University. Director of the Fulbright Summer School in Humanities. Chairperson of the Fulbright Alumni Association of Russia. Participated in EAAS conferences in Warsaw (1996), Lisbon (1998), Amsterdam (1999), Hiderabad (2000), Graz (2000), Bordeaux (2002). Fellowships: Fulbright 1995 (Duke University); J.F. Kennedy Institute, 1997 (Free University, Berlin); International Forum for U.S. Studies, 1999 (University of Iowa). Teaching: courses in West-European and American literature in the XIX century; ”American Renaissance”, ”American Autobiography”, ”American Poetry, XIX and XX Centuries”, ”American Experience: Writer and Reader in the ”Literary Field””, etc. Co-teaching: a course in "Language Experiment and Democratic Experience in American Poetry" – with Professor Christa Buschendorf at MU and Frankfurt (am Main) University. Postal address: Moscow Vorobiovi Gori, Moscow State University, Department of Philology, Chair of the History of Foreign Literature (rm.970) E-mail: vened@philol.msu.ru Fax: 095-939-5596 Tel: 095-9392784 (office) Top I Home I Introduction I Program I Contacts I Abstracts I Poetry |